Orthodontic treatment

In the field of orthodontics, we now have a whole range of options to improve the aesthetics and function of our patients’ dentition. The first examination should be carried out at around 6-7 years of age, as this is the age at which we can promote proper development and prevent serious lesions later on.
In case of mixed teeth, we mainly use removable appliances, influencing the growth of the jaw bones and promoting good function (swallowing, breathing, etc.). Fixed dental appliances (brackets on all teeth) are usually used for permanent teeth (from about 12 years of age), for which there is no upper age limit.
Metal and aesthetic fixed dental appliances are available in our practice.

The course of orthodontic treatment
- We shall try to discuss any questions you may have at the first appointment.
- Then, based on the analysis of the documentation (clinical examination, x-ray, plaster cast, photos), we shall prepare a specific treatment plan, after which the dental appliance will be inserted into the mouth.
- The appliance is usually activated at monthly check-ups.
- At the end of the active phase, it is usually necessary to have appliances stabilizing the result This can be both removable and fixed.